Wow!  What an incredible week of celebrating over 40 years of HOPE during our fall fundraiser.  My favorite part of the week was hearing from so many of you. I love hearing your stories and how your lives have been impacted by the ministry of WCIC.  The whole team counts it an honor to partner with you! 

God’s faithfulness to this ministry never ceases to amaze me.  Every year, for the past 40 years, He has provided for the needs to keep WCIC strong. We serve a faithful God and He has been so good to us.  

Another fantastic part of this week was Ministry Day! Thanks to you, Standard Heating & Cooling released 90 Newborn Care Bundles to help parents and their babies who are in need right here in our own communities through Crittenton Centers. 

Thank you for choosing to be a part of what God is doing at WCIC.  Every single gift is spreading the hope we have in Jesus to our community.  And thank you for gifts and your prayers. 

If you didn’t have a chance to get involved during the fall fundraiser, it’s not too late! As of the close of our fundraiser, we are 93% of our fall fundraiser goal. That means there is an opportunity for you, if you believe God was nudging you to give. You are invited to make a huge difference in our community by making it possible for WCIC to continue to share the HOPE we have in Jesus!